Pet Advice Pet Holiday Form Pet Care During Holiday Form Dates Away From(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Dates Away to(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Owner Information:Owner's Name:Pet's Name:Owner’s Contact Number:Owner’s Email Address: Caregiver's Information:Caregiver's Name:Contact Number (Primary):Contact Number (Alternate):Email Address: Emergency Contact (if different from caregiver):Name:Contact Number:Veterinary Care InstructionsPreferred Clinic for Emergencies: Clinic Name:Clinic Phone Number:Authorisation for Veterinary Care:While I am away, I authorise the caregiver listed above to act on my behalf in all decisions relating to my pet’s care, including emergency treatment.Maximum Amount Authorised for Emergency Care:(Please specify the amount you are willing to spend in case of an unforeseen emergency)Special InstructionsMedications or Special Care Needs:Known Allergies or Medical Conditions:Dietary Restrictions/Preferences:Other:Consent By signing below, I confirm that the information provided is accurate, and I give permission to the caregiver and the veterinary clinic to make necessary decisions about my pet’s care in my absence.CAPTCHA You Might Also Like Read More Pet Advice Hills Dental Diet Read More Pet Advice Puppy & Kitten Best Start
Pet Care During Holiday Form Dates Away From(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Dates Away to(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Owner Information:Owner's Name:Pet's Name:Owner’s Contact Number:Owner’s Email Address: Caregiver's Information:Caregiver's Name:Contact Number (Primary):Contact Number (Alternate):Email Address: Emergency Contact (if different from caregiver):Name:Contact Number:Veterinary Care InstructionsPreferred Clinic for Emergencies: Clinic Name:Clinic Phone Number:Authorisation for Veterinary Care:While I am away, I authorise the caregiver listed above to act on my behalf in all decisions relating to my pet’s care, including emergency treatment.Maximum Amount Authorised for Emergency Care:(Please specify the amount you are willing to spend in case of an unforeseen emergency)Special InstructionsMedications or Special Care Needs:Known Allergies or Medical Conditions:Dietary Restrictions/Preferences:Other:Consent By signing below, I confirm that the information provided is accurate, and I give permission to the caregiver and the veterinary clinic to make necessary decisions about my pet’s care in my absence.CAPTCHA